Wednesday, December 9, 2020

You bought my Tongs DXF, and can't use it!



If you bought my tongs DXF, don't download it. 

Once you download the file, it's yours i can't refund anything no matter what.


you still wnat tongs, here are some good options

Tom Tongs, $35-40

Monday, April 6, 2020

You bought my DXF of tongs, now what!

This is the list page for all my blog posts to help you out with my tongs DXF

First off, The file contains tong halves, as in just one side of each tong.

To cut them you will need to make a file with 2 copies of each

There are lots of examples in the following links of ways to do that.
I hope they help you.

This should answer many questions, such as...

Okay, I bought them, now what(how to copy paste individual tongs halves to prep for cutting)

Hmm, OK, I got that , but which of these tongs go together, I'm confused

Hey one of these tongs doesn't match

How do I open these in Sheetcam?

Alright, they are in Sheetcam, how do I tell if they are the right size?Okay, i cut these, how do I forge them.
This list has examples for alot of these tongs, some are new and
there are no videos.

Kens Iron Rapid Tong Instructional Videos

Lots more Quick Rapid Tongs Videos
Where I got inspiration for many of the tongs

Need help downloading them?
How to re doanload digital files on Etsy

You bought my DXF file, one of these doesn't match

One of the tongs wasn't' supposed to be left in

It doesn't 'match the others, it was there to help me verify my designs were not goingto cause shunt sot weak areas, i compare contracted that tong to mine.

Feel free to delete it, you didn't pay for it, it was left in by accident.

You bought my DXF file, how to tell if you imported them the right size.

Ok, you followed my blog post and got them into sheet cam.

How do you verify they are the right size.

Click Zoom-> Grid Options, and set the x and y size to .125"

Then you zoom all the way in on the tip of the flat jaw tong

Nope further than that, ALL the way in...

Yes now that's the ticket.

Look at the dots, It's not aligned perfectly, but you can tell it's 9 dots tall, so it's imported at the correct size.9* 1/8" = 1-1/8" the correct size for the tong tip