I Had a post based on ultra low budget,
but this post is going to be about me, what I'd get.
I'm going to assume you have a basic coal forge or way to heat metal, and a chunk of metal to beat on
just because that's a big topic and it's been done many times, including by me.
I'm only getting stuff here I can order online... you might be able to do cheaper at home or harbor freight.
Most will be from amazon, because frankly, I buy just about everything on amazon so I can get is shipped Prime.
1. Eye Protection,
I know I'm harping, but really get some glasses to cover you eye holes. That stuff doesn't grow back. Spend the Money on something comfortable, you will actually use, and get anti fog.
I like a rounding hammer, so If I only get one here is where I'd start
You also need a straight or cross peen hammer, for stretching metal, you can do it with the edge of a rounding hammer, but it's nice to have this in your tool kit. You could get by with just this hammer, but I'd get both.(okay, okay I'd get all three a cross peen and a straight peen, but I have a thing for straight peens, mea culpa) Don't forget to
Dress this hammer before use
Wolf jaw tongs are tongs that can hold a lot of different shapes of metal, they are not great at any of them. If I was buying a whole full set of tongs, I'd get V-Bit Jaw Bolt Tongs, one in each size.
At the time of writing Tiger supply has Wolf Jaw cheapest, but I've never ordered from them, amazon is about $30 more for the same thing. Check Centaur Forge and Blacksmiths Depot too
Make sure you get ones like above, that the inside of the "teeth" kind of looks like the gums of a wolfs jaw with lumps.
People have started to call V-BIT tongs, wolf jaw to get folks to buy them,. V-Bit are better for 1 size, wolf jaw are better more than one.
V-Bit looks like this, for holding square metal on a 45 deg angle. Great tongs, not a good place to start, unless you are only going to forge 1 size material.

Yes I know i just blew $100 on 2 tongs, but these will cover a lot of options,
If I got a 3rd, it'd get the farrier tongs for holding flat stock, those things grip like mad.
4.75. Some needle nose pliers you can ford into decent light duty tongs
You can also get 2 pair sets at Harbor Frieght
The best cheap single tool for cutting, grinding and sanding metal
Get 4-1/2" as those are the cheapest now.
The one linked above is $25, you can get the same thing cheaper at harbor freight, on sale
as low as $12. Harbor Freight also has a set with assorted disks, Grinding, Cutting and Sanding flap wheels all in one pack. Be sure to get all 3 kinds. The link above just has Cutting and sanding, as the grinder has 1 included. Get spares of each.
These are so cheap, I have 3 grinders one for each kind a wheel, just so I don't have to swap back and forth.
Word of warning, Cheap power tools are cheap for a reason, Good power tools last WAY longer.
Word of warning... Don't take affa the guard...no, your not being clever, leave the guard on.
You want a vise, the stronger the better, this kind is designed to be bolted to a table. It's ok to start, but a vise designed for blacksmith is way better. And way more money. They are called, Post Vises or Leg Vises. They are the BOMB.
Start saving up for one and watching Ebay and your local Craigs list. I got one for $25 on craigs list. On ebay they are $250+
Twisting metal is easy and cool. you want an adjustable wrench, longer is better, this is a 10". 12" probably better. You don't need this kind with a fancy pointy end. the normal ones will do.
Get the Black coated ones, over shiny, so you don't get vaporized chrome or zinc. Super bad for you to breathe.
I took
mine and welded a bar on the top jaw to make a handle on the other side for easier twisting without bending.
Trust me on this.
1. You want a plug in drill for backup, even if you have a nice battery drill. Batteries wear out in the middle of a project.
2. You want cobalt (the metal) drill bits for drilling metal. The best by far.
A spring center punch is the fastest easiest way to put a divot in the metal to put the tip of the drill bit in so you drill the hole in the metal where you want... not kinda near where you want.
Cheap at Harbor Freight
Lets be honest, you are going to be
making tongs soon, go ahead and get some rivets.
these are 5/16 diameter and 1" long.
Honestly you want 1/4" - 3/8: diameter 3/4-1-1/2 in length, I literally have a whole box full of little bags of different sizes.
Lots of different lengths are useful, 1" is a good middle ground. easier to cut them shorter than add more. You don't have to get the round headed ones, I just think they look cooler. I also used the flat headed ones.
If you only get 1, get 3/8 diameter x 1" long, you'll have to cut them to length Sometimes, but it'll do a lot of tongs
11. This Cheap small hammer that will work as a flatter for now
You will want to round of the square corners with your angle grinder before use. it's called
Dressing a hammer. Do it to every hammer before you hit metal with it.
12. Go get some steel at your local steel supply place.
Don't buy it at home depot, unless you are desperate. A good steel supplier is soo much cheaper, like a 2-" stick for what a 3" stick costs at Big Box Stores. It's good to call ahead, they are often to busy to get it for you the same day
While you are there ask them to look through thier Drops area, it's full of random bits of metal to
small to put back on the shelves. Mine sells it buy the pound. It's messy and greasy, but some good stuff there.
These are basic tong shapes cut out with CNC, and you do some basic forging to turn them into real tongs.
Ken of Ken's Custom Iron started these, but lots of people sell them now.
It's a great project to learn some basic forging while making tools to make your life better later.
Making and modifying your own tools is kinda the core of being a blacksmith, so you might at well start enjoying them now.
I recommend for the first set, you buy some from
Ken, only because he has nice
videos on you-tube
another ) showing you EXACTLY what to do to turn them into working tongs.
After you've done a couple tongs, following his videos, get them from who-ever. I like
Polar Bear Forge because it comes with a rivet, and the hole is pre cut (because he own a huge laser CNC and can do that)
Plus he's a good dude, who I've had do Custom CNC metal cutting for me before.
I love these things, if I can find them for $10 or less. Dig in the Google Shopping list above and you'll see a couple selling for that kind of money. I have made lots of tools starting with these and modifying them
- Take a Grinder to them, smooth the bevels down round, you have a small Texturing hammer for making Roses.
- Cut one end off, right where the bevel starts, You have a Hot Cut, Take another , cut the other end, you now have a - straight and Cross | of each tool.
- Grind the Hot Cut thinner, and you have a Slitting Chisel.
- Grind them round like the Texturing tool, you have a small Fuller.
- Take that fuller, and grind the shape like a ) and you have a Creasing tool, like for making
- the V in a horseshoe
- Take the head off the wooden handle, Forge into a new shape. Punches, Drifts, all kinds of stuff.
After buying all this stuff, and spending all this time in the Garage making tools for your self, it's time to hook your wife or Girlfriend or mom up.
Buy one of these. Goto
you-tube and
IForge iron, and watch some videos or read tutorials on how to make them.
Pick up some round 1/4" rod if you don't have any...
Then make one (expect your first one to take forever)
Then give it to the lady in your life, (even if it's your mom, or yourself)
These are a fun kit, that teaches a lot of sheet metal work, and gives you a nice gift when you are done.
15. and a HALF - Get these tools to make Roses easier!
Just in case you thought I went completely soft, here are some cheap tools I recommend to make
roses easier.
1. Make the texturing hammer above using a Boiler's Scaling Hammer and your Angle Grinder.
2. Buy this
Pair of Jewlery Pliers , and
this pair too...
It makes the tweaking of the rose edges easier. If you only get 1, get the first ones.
This pair of Pliers to work as
Scrolling tongs until you can get some, makes folding the petals up easier (Or get the
scrolling tongs linked too!)
Pick up this torch, and a can or Yellow Mapp Gas (At home depot), it has enough heat to bring the petals red so you can work on them (get the short fat can if they have it) . Note, you want this exact torch (Bernzomatic TS8000), as there are many that look almost the same, but don't turn on and off instantly with one finger like a pistol, while you have pliers in the other. (Also, try using it to light fire works on July 4th, trust me)
16. When you can afford it get a basic stick welder, the more amps and more adjustable the better, it will bump up your ability to make tools, tooling and other stuff. Get an Instant on Hood, much easier to learn with.
17. Get these pliers, and watch the video HF pliers into tongs,
make tongs or use like they are, plenty handy for the $
LAST some free stuff
1. Go look around at the tools and tongs on Centaur Forges site.
Yes, you will drool, yes it's not cheap. But get pictures of all these tools in your head,
so you'll recognize when you need them.
Look there are LOADS of
free blacksmith books out there. Start with the one above, dig in from there when you have time..
For pay books,
this one is my favorite the top one in this list
3. Look around My Blog
Join that site, soo much good info
5. Get on Facebook, type in "Blacksmithing for Beginners" and "Blacksmithing on a Budget", Join all the Groups Leave the ones that are annoying.