Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Best place to get a deal on a "cheap" 2lb rounding hammer...

When I first hear about rounding hammers and watched some of Brian Brazeal's videos, I Knew i wanted to try one, but i didn't want to blow a lot of cash, just to see if I liked it... I dug around and found this is the least expensive brand.. Nordic... And this was the best priced place i found.. it might not be the absolute best now, I can't vouch for that but getting one to Try for around $30 was a good deal to me... and it still is... 


Centaur Forge has the same hammer for $26, so just work out the shipping, Centaur is great!
I enjoyed playing with it and hope you do too..  it turned out to be a really nice hammer. and works great.

This second site is a great place to get lots of kinds of hammers...


a differnt inexpensive rounding hammer, but 3l.d $15

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