Saturday, December 6, 2014

Easy Twisting Wrench... requires access to a welder...

So, to twisting is one of the easiest and most magical things in blacksmithing... At least at my just above noob and into dabbler skill level.

Heat it up, put one end into a vice, grab the other and twist... Instant beauty..

Gobs and gobs of advanced cooler twists...
basic twists tutorial (not by me)

My first few times, I used a adjustable end wrench, set to the size of the square bar...It worked pretty well, but my stuff always got bent and crooked looking.. There are tons of two handed twisting wrenches out there to buy, but making the tools to make things is possibly my favorite part of, blacksmithing...

So I put my mind in gear and came up with this... A cheap Harbor Freight 12"adjustable end wrench, with a handle welded on the other side. weld it on the top jaw, not the bottom. Or the heat can jack up the threads and make it hard to adjust (as I, learned on another project)

Then heat screws up the heat treat, so don't use a good wrench for this.

 Its that simple, no more lopsided twisted bars...nice and straight now.

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