Saturday, December 6, 2014

Neat Russian Bushcraft stump Anvil video.. I saw on youtube.

I saw this Russian Buscraft video on youtube, the guy made teh easiest imrpovised stump anvil, I thoght i was awesome.. I wanted to add it to my anvils post, but i couldn't find the video.

The anvil was done in the video, it was just him and his buddy using it to forge out in the woods.
but it was cool...

So I'm making this "how to" with extra lame MS Paint graphics (tm)

Basically he had a rectangular bar of steel, wasn't all dinged to hell, so probably carbon steel of some kind. about 6" long, 2-3 in wide and 2ish in tall... just a block. and he made 4 littel metal spikes, like nails, but not galvanized... they looks hand made, easy.

The Block Looked like the kind of Drop you can get on EBay, or from a metal shop for cheap.. there was a 2X2X4+in piece of 4140 (carbon steel good for tool hammers and anvils) for $13 on ebay at the time of writing....(plus shipping which was more than the metal, but if you can get it locally for no shipping.. super)

Then he took, the 4 small metal spikes, and welded them on out near, but not on the corners.. kind of like the legs of a table.

He just found a stump with a flat cut top,  set this on it, picked up a log and banged it into the stump.. it was stable and perfect.. it was awesome and soo easy. The spikes held it perfect. I assume he jsut pried it out when he was done. he didn't show that.. If you are careful not to bend the spikes it should be easy.

If I was starting from scratch, I'd make one of these.. Get a stump, hammer this in, done.
but I have a welder... Back before I had a welder I took a small project like this to UHaul(where they install hitches) and paid a guy to go in back and weld something together for less than $20... it was alot more welding than this...(but it was along time ago).. but if you don't have access to a welder or a buddy with one.. it's an option...

If you read this and can send me a link to the video, that'd be great..

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