Saturday, October 31, 2015

Historical Improvised fluxes

I was curious about "improvised" welding flux, so i went historical... did some web surfing...didn't;' keep links, just notes, I'll post links as i re find them
old ingredients:
Silica sand, Powdered egg shells, Powdered marble, white sand, quartz sand, any straw the bears silica in it, (rice, etc), fine steel/iron filings, ground glass, powdered charcoal (additive), powdered potters clay, powdered slag, salt
there was discussion on these above for old WI and maybe mild, but modern steels required different fluxes (thus why they faded away)
Borax, Boric acid,
a lot of these require some mixing... the marble and eggsheel were mentioned specifically as needing some sand for example as wihtout it they for a refractory compound...

Here is an interesting article on components of old commercial fluxes...

Charcoal Ash or Mud Dauber nests(they only used good high silica clay)

Anyone using any of these still? it seems like a useful piece of data to have stuck in ones head...

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